趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos 英文版动画片第1-4季全100集英语英字高清720P视频MKV百度网盘


《趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》是BBC Cbeebies少儿频道于2015年制作推出的一档面向3-5岁低龄宝宝的处境喜剧卡通,主要讲述4个可爱的小知知鸟的探险,帮助孩子了解一些简单的日常生活概念。

《趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》适合的年龄比BBC同期播出的《嗨!狗狗老师 Hey Duggee》更低幼,与《天线宝宝》相仿。聚焦一个生活中的基本概念,每集围绕一个单词或短语,如“smaller”、”taller”、”wet”、”full”、“out”、“inside”……..不仅是让小朋友学习这个单词,更加注重解释这些抽象概念的含义。例如:第一季的第一集《Full》,用了好几种方式来讲述“full”-“满”的意思,让小朋友更加容易的学习和了解这个单词。

动画集数◇:第1-4季 100集

咿呀学语U乐园收录的动画片《趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》第一季全20集、第二季全30集、第三季全25集、第四季全25集,单集大小185M左右。[可以下载后,使用Potplayer播放器可以选择设置字幕或者关闭字幕],可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、手机、早教机等各种设备播放。

《趣趣知知鸟 Twirlywoos》来自很远的地方,寻求冒险,无论他们走到哪里Twirlywoos追求冒险和乐趣,无论走到哪里.不管是在现实世界还是在他们的大红色船上,他们都喜欢隐藏,模仿和惊讶,因为他们发现新事物.显示已用承诺去看孩子互动的开发和发展,每集创建为学龄前儿童,使他们的空间自己的连接,这对他们的学习有帮助。

片头曲中:Today I will learn something new! 今天我要学习一些新知识!主角始终保持对新鲜事物的探索精神,有时也特别顽皮,是不是和家里的熊孩子很像?始终保持对新鲜事物的好奇心,始终保持一颗学习的心态,透过家长日常的引导,让孩子达到的状态。


01 Full
02 Underneath
03 Round and Round
04 Up
05 Connecting
06 Noisy
07 All Gone
08 Behind
09 This Way, That Way
10 Up and Down
11 Over
12 Shorter and Shorter
13 Wrapping
14 Gone
15 Covering
16 Coming and Going
17 Through
18 Soft
19 Pop
20 Upside Down

01 Getting Wet
02 Out
03 Down
04 Inside
05 Going Over
06 Rolling
07 In and Out
08 Cleaning
09 Louder and Louder
10 Turning
11 Collecting
12 Longer
13 Bigger and Bigger
14 High and Low
15 Outside
16 Next To
17 Open and Close
18 On Top Of
19 Balancing
20 Joining Up
21 Fitting Together
22 Spinning
23 More and More
24 Taller and Taller
25 Smaller
26 Twirling
27 Faster and Faster
28 On and Off
29 Hiding
30 Pulling

01 More About Covering
02 More About Round and Round
03 More About Up and Down
04 More About Noisy
05 More About Rolling
06 More About in and Out
07 More About Stretching
08 More About Coming and Going
09 More About Up
10 More About Underneath
11 More About Longer
12 More About High and Low
13 More About This Way, That Way
14 More About Smaller
15 More About Inside
16 More About Fitting Together
17 More About Next To
18 More About Open and Close
19 More About Faster and Faster
20 More About On and Off
21 More About Spinning
22 More About Outside
23 More About Twirling
24 More About Connecting
25 More About Soft

01 More About Full
02 More About Collecting
03 More About Down
04 More About Louder and Louder
05 More About Pulling
06 More About More and More
07 More About Wrapping
08 More About Hiding
09 More About Joining Up
10 More About Going Over
11 More About Balancing
12 More About Over
13 More About Gone
14 More About Taller and Taller
15 More About Shorter and Shorter
16 More About Through
17 More About Cleaning
18 More About Upside Down
19 More About Turning
20 More About Getting Wet
21 More About On Top Of
22 More About Pop
23 More About All Gone
24 More About Out
25 More About Behind

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